]> Untitled Git - MarigoldOS/.git/commitdiff
more 0x00 stuff moved over master
authorcw <beetr00ts@pm.me>
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 22:26:10 +0000 (17:26 -0500)
committercw <beetr00ts@pm.me>
Sun, 30 Apr 2023 22:26:10 +0000 (17:26 -0500)
hosts/0x00.nix [new file with mode: 0644]
hosts/bootdisk.nix [new file with mode: 0644]
modules/nncp.nix [new file with mode: 0644]
profiles/alias.nix [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/hosts/0x00.nix b/hosts/0x00.nix
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6fde482
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+  imports = [
+    # Modules
+    ../modules/nodeinfo.nix
+    ../modules/charm.nix
+    ../modules/alfis.nix
+    # Profiles
+    ../profiles/alias.nix
+    ../profiles/alfis.nix
+    ../profiles/charm.nix
+    ../profiles/gemini.nix
+    ../profiles/gitea.nix
+    ../profiles/hedgedoc.nix
+    ../profiles/invidious.nix
+    ../profiles/libreddit.nix
+    ../profiles/mail.nix
+    ../profiles/nitter.nix
+    ../profiles/nodeinfo.nix
+    ../profiles/oh-my-zsh.nix
+    ../profiles/plik.nix
+    ../profiles/searx.nix
+    ../profiles/twtxt.nix
+    ../profiles/warez.nix
+    ../profiles/whitebophir.nix
+    ../profiles/firewall.nix
+    # Requires manual config
+    ../networking/yggdrasil.nix # Contains ygg firewall rules and public peers.
+    # Specialty profiles (hardware). You probably won't need these.
+    ../profiles/vpsfree.nix
+  ];
+  nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ../overlays/unstable.nix) ];
+  networking.hostName = "0x00";
+  networking.domain = "ygg";
+  # networking.tcpcrypt.enable = true;
+  # users.users.tcpcryptd.group = "tcpcryptd";
+  # users.groups.tcpcryptd = {};
+  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = lib.mkForce [ 22 ];
+  boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
+  boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
+  system.stateVersion = "21.11";
diff --git a/hosts/bootdisk.nix b/hosts/bootdisk.nix
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..393e277
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+  imports = [
+    # ../networking/gitns.nix
+    ../networking/yggdrasil.nix
+    ../modules/alfis.nix
+    ../profiles/oh-my-zsh.nix
+    ../profiles/alias.nix
+    ../profiles/plik.nix
+    ../profiles/warez.nix
+    ../profiles/gemini.nix
+    # ../profiles/home-manager.nix
+    ../profiles/recovery.nix
+  ];
+  networking.hostName = "nixos";
+  networking.domain = "local";
+  services.nginx.virtualHosts."warez.${config.networking.fqdn}" = lib.mkForce {
+    enableACME = false;
+    forceSSL = false;
+  };
+  services.nginx.virtualHosts."plik.${config.networking.fqdn}" = lib.mkForce {
+    enableACME = false;
+    forceSSL = false;
+  };
+  # networking.tcpcrypt.enable = true;
+  # users.users.tcpcryptd.group = "tcpcryptd";
+  # users.groups.tcpcryptd = {};
+  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
+  boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
+  boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
+  system.stateVersion = "21.11";
diff --git a/modules/nncp.nix b/modules/nncp.nix
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6d1f015
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  cfg = config.services.nncp;
+  settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.json { };
+  options.services.nncp = {
+    daemon = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "NNCP Daemon";
+      port = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.port;
+      };
+    };
+    caller = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "NNCP Caller";
+    };
+    configFile = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.path;
+      default = settingsFormat.generate "nncp.hjson" cfg.settings;
+    };
+    dataDir = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.path;
+      default = "/var/lib/nncp";
+    };
+    user = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      default = "nncp";
+    };
+    group = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      default = "nncp";
+    };
+    settings = lib.mkOption {
+    };
+  };
+  config = {
+    systemd.tmpfiles.rules = lib.mkIf (cfg.daemon.enable || cfg.caller.enable) [
+      "d '${cfg.dataDir}' 0770 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.group}"
+      "Z '${cfg.dataDir}' 0770 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.group}"
+      "d '/var/spool/nncp' 0770 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.group}"
+      "Z '/var/spool/nncp' 0770 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.group}"
+    ];
+    systemd.paths."nncp-watcher" = lib.mkIf (cfg.daemon.enable || cfg.caller.enable) {
+      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+      pathConfig = {
+        PathModified = "/run/keys/nncp";
+        Unit = "nncp-reloader.service";
+      };
+    };
+    systemd.services."nncp-reloader" = lib.mkIf (cfg.daemon.enable || cfg.caller.enable) {
+      after = [ "networking.target" ];
+      script = ''
+             exec ${pkgs.nncp}/bin/nncp-cfgdir -cfg ${cfg.configFile} -dump ${cfg.dataDir}
+             exec systemd-tmpfiles --create
+      '';
+      serviceConfig = {
+        Type = "oneshot";
+        WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.dataDir}";
+      };
+    };
+    systemd.services.nncp-daemon = lib.mkIf cfg.daemon.enable {
+      # wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+      after = [ "nncp-reloader.service" ];
+      description = "Node to Node Copy Protocol Daemon";
+      serviceConfig = {
+        # DynamicUser = true;
+        User = cfg.user;
+        Group = cfg.group;
+        ExecStart = ''${pkgs.nncp}/bin/nncp-daemon -autotoss -noprogress -bind "${toString cfg.daemon.port}" -cfg ${cfg.dataDir}'';
+        Restart = "always";
+        Type = "simple";
+        RestartSec = 1;
+        StateDirectory = "nncp";
+        WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.dataDir}";
+      };
+    };
+    systemd.services.nncp-caller = lib.mkIf cfg.caller.enable {
+      # wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+      after = [ "nncp-reloader.service" ];
+      description = "Node to Node Copy Protocol Caller";
+      serviceConfig = {
+        # DynamicUser = true;
+        User = cfg.user;
+        Group = cfg.group;
+        ExecStart = ''${pkgs.nncp}/bin/nncp-caller -autotoss -noprogress -cfg ${cfg.dataDir}'';
+        Restart = "always";
+        Type = "simple";
+        RestartSec = 1;
+        StateDirectory = "nncp";
+        WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.dataDir}";
+      };
+    };
+    users.users = lib.mkIf (cfg.user == "nncp") {
+      nncp = {
+        description = "NNCP daemon user";
+        isSystemUser = true;
+        group = cfg.group;
+        home = cfg.dataDir;
+      };
+    };
+    users.groups = lib.mkIf (cfg.group == "nncp") { nncp = { }; };
+  };
diff --git a/profiles/alias.nix b/profiles/alias.nix
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..021d192
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  environment.shellAliases = {
+  # Aliases - For when you want to save keystrokes
+  ## Better defaults
+  cp = "cp -i";    # Confirm before overwriting something
+  ln = "ln -i";    # Confirm before overwriting something
+  mv = "mv -i";    # Confirm before overwriting something
+  df = "df -h";    # Human-readable sizes
+  free = "free -m";    # Show sizes in MB
+  ls = "ls -h --color=auto";    # Human readable, Color
+  sudo = lib.mkDefault "sudo ";    # ending in space allows next word to be aliased.
+  diff = "diff --color=auto";
+  grep = "grep --color=auto";
+  ip = "ip --color=auto";
+  dir = "dir --color=auto";
+  md = "mkdir";
+  # shit = "sudo !!";
+  lswifi = "nmcli device wifi list --rescan yes";
+  pip3s = "pip3 search";
+  pip3i = "pip3 install";
+  pms = "nix search"; # Package manager search.  Was originally pacman search, but works equally we  ll for this  .
+  pmi = "  nix-env -iA"; # Package manager install. Installs imperitively to user
+  pmiu   = "nix-env -f channel:nixos-unstable -iA"; # Same as above but unstable channel
+  pmis = "nix-env -i"; # the s stands for... slow, sketchy, something
+  sshfs = "sshfs -o auto_unmount -o reconnect";
+  sshfsc = "sshfs -o auto_unmount -o reconnect -o auto_cache";
+  ## Shortcuts to Common Args
+  ### NixOS stuff
+  rebuild = "sudo nixos-rebuild test";
+  rebuild-lock = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch";
+  nsp = "nix-shell -p";
+  # nix-index-update = "${pkgs.nix-index}/bin/nix-index";
+  nt = "nix-top";
+  ## Full File search
+  ffs = "grep --line-buffered --color=never -r '' * | ${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf";
+  ### ls
+  la = "ls -Ah --color=auto";    # Show hidden files
+  ll = "ls -lh --color=auto";    # Show file size, modified date
+  lla = "ls -lAh --color=auto";    # Show everything
+  ## Lighternet
+  # gopher = "${pkgs.ncgopher}/bin/ncgopher";
+  # gemini = "${pkgs.amfora}/bin/amfora";
+  ### Taskwarrior
+  # twa = "${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task add";
+  # twm = "${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task modify";
+  ### IPFS
+  #ipfs = "sudo -u ipfs ipfs";
+  nixed = "nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
+  cdnix = "cd /etc/nixos/";
+  aliased = "nano $HOME/.alias && source $HOME/.alias"; # Same but alias and functions
+  zshed = "nano $HOME/.zshrc && source $HOME/.zshrc"; # Edit zshrc then source it
+  ## Moving Around
+  "cd.." = "cd ..";
+  "cd..." = "cd ../..";
+  "cd...."= "cd ../../..";
+  "cd....." = "cd ../../../..";
+  "cd......" = "cd ../../../../..";
+  lsgrep = "ls -a | grep -i";
+  hgrep = "history | grep -i";
+  psgrep = "ps aux | grep -i";
+  wget = "${pkgs.wget}/bin/wget -c";
+  chown = "chown --preserve-root";
+  chmod = "chmod --preserve-root";
+  chgrp = "chgrp --preserve-root";
+  # app shortcuts
+  # what = "${pkgs.goldendict}/bin/goldendict";# Instant lookup in dictionary or wikipedia
+  ydl = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp";
+  # ydlp = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp --proxy socks5://";
+  # ydlp2 = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp --proxy socks5://";
+  ydlm = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp -o '%(artist)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s' --add-metadata -x --audio-quality 0";
+  ydlmp = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp -o '%(artist)s-%(album)s/%(playlist_index)s-%(artist)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s' --add-metadata -x --audio-quality 0";
+  youtube-dl = "${pkgs.yt-dlp}/bin/yt-dlp";
+  };